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Affiliate Websites

Please take some time to look at our affiliate websites.

Uncle Cosmo\'s Attic
Fun and useful links to paranormal and metaphysical products and services.

Crop Circle Research Germany
This bi-lingual (UK/GER) by researcher Andreas Muller covers the International phenomenon and research.

Canadian Crop Circle Research Network
Investigating the crop circle phenomenon in the prairies and across the country since 1995.

The Psychic Children
Exploring the esoteric realms of the new children: DNA changes, Planetary grid activation, earth energies, crop circles, galactic alignment 2012.

a 10-days - also inner - pilgrimage with challenges on both spiritual and physical level with the aim of inner consciousness, overtonesinging and spiritual growth: Mr Beesley-healing ritual at Stonehenge, cropcircles, Avebury, Sillbury-hill, Avalon, temple of Zodiacsigns. Near death experiences, Eckart Tolle, Ervin Laszlo, Noam Chomsky, Richard Sheldrake, free energy,synchronicity, nature & spirituality, eco economy,

united-space organization
Activity Extraterrestrial in the Space & on the Earth

The Center For The Future
Providing Alternative Solutions for Open Minded People through leading edge technologies in vibrational healing, frequency modalities, exceptional nutritional support and spiritual enlightenment.

Temporary Temples
Visit this site to view and buy awesome aerial photographs of crop circles taken by renowned photgrapher Steve Alexander. The extensive image library is FREE to view and contains images of crop circles from 1994 onwards.

Cropcircles in belgium
Website about cropcircles in Belgium, and about the theories, eyewitnesses, and other information.

Web Templates
100 photoshop templates for only $20. Great tools for webmasters.

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Alternative Websites