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The precision of the mysterious Crop Circles joins to the handicraft imperfections of wood\'s working.

Field Report ~ dozens of 400\' to 600\' parallel strips were reported laid down in three barley fields near Phoenix, Arizona in the town of Tolleson the week of May 18, 2005.

LightCircles Jewelry
This site features LightCircles™ Fine Jewelry representing the Crop Circles. The clean contemporary styles highlight the patterns and appeal to both men and women. It introduces new research on the affects and experiences of people working with and wearing silver crop circle images on the body.

The Crop Circle Web Site
The web site for the serious researcher and newcomer to the world of Crop Circles

CropCircle Research Germany (...and International)
This fully bi-lingual (English/German) site by researcher Andreas Muller gives a regularily updated overwiew of the state of nthe interdisciplinary crop circle research and is the home of \"ICCA-The International Crop Circle Archive\".

Circular Site
Crop circle website of Dutch researcher Janet Ossebaard; a colourful and very informative site about the formations, the balls of light, the biophysical anomalies, and much more. It contains many hundreds of beautiful colour photos, it gives answers to the most burning questions, and it contains a shop. Also, Janet presents herself and her work in relation with the crop circles. A new, warm and sparkling website, both in English and in Dutch!

United Space - Tommy Borms
Lightphenomena, cropcircles.

The Crop Circle Web Site
The UK Crop Circle Web Site

the living spirits
Site devoted to personal transformation(Game of Transformation from Findhorn), to inner growth (Astro-psycholoy with Huber method), to Science of Spirit(P.Deunov,OM. Aivanhov, E. Cayce)to vibrational healing and much more...

The London Forum for the Study of Crop Circles and Other Mysteries
the London Forum has emerged from the previous London branch of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies. We hold meetings every month from September to April at the Sols Arms, Hampstead Rd., close to warren St tube and Euston, on Thursdays, 7pm - 10pm. All very welcome. £6 includes refreshments.

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