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Norton Bavant, Wiltshire, 7th July 2023

With a large area of standing crop at its centre, this delicate and intricate crop circle is the second of this season with this striking feature. As with the Pottern Hill circle in June, there is no damage to stems within the centre and the inner ring has, somehow, been created without any central feature. 



Also simiilar to the circle at Pottern is the relatively small amount of stems to have been laid to form the design. With curved pathways making up the entire pattern, there is some uniformity to the flow, which is gentle and consistent throughout.




Direction-wise, it is only the inner ring that is entirely clockwise. All outer 'petals' are laid towards their tip, meaning each contains a combination of clockwise and anti-clockwise stems. Where petals are made of only two laid pathways, it tends to be the anti-clockwise path that has been flattened first. stems from the clockwise side overlapping these towards the tip. Where petals are formed with four pathways, the outer stems have been laid first, with the two central pathways laid over the top.



The tips of each of the 12 'petals' display a beautifully delicate, overlapping structure which, in most places, is laid so gently that the stems at the very tip are only just below the seedheads in the standing crop. Again, very much like the Potterne Hill formation, only this time in wheat.



Laid stems flow lightly through the pathways and many, especially on the edges, have not been laid flat, but, as we have seen in many crop circles, are brushed so gently that they 'flow' up the sides of the standing crop.



Where stems flowing out, towards the perimeter of the design, meet each elliptical standing section, the way in which they flow around and past it is notable. As can be seen in the image below, many stems do not clearly follow a direction to the left or right of the standing stems but, instead, flow up the narrow end of the stems, with just enough flattening to define the pattern but not enough to push fruther stems over. This is extremely delicate! It reflects the overall quality and intricacy of this fascinating crop circle.




Crop Circle Summary


Norton Bavant, Wiltshire

Crop Type



Flower of Life style design with six outer rings and standing centre.

Date of First Sighting


Survey Date


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