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Green Street, Avebury, Wiltshire, 2nd July 2021 
This incredible design is enhanced, of course, by its proximity to the henge at Avebury, but also by the intricay with which it has been executed at ground level. Not only are the stems in almost perfect condition throughout, there are countless areas where stems appear to not have been laid flat to the ground at any point.
The spiralling pathways emanating from the central, laid hexagon are generally, extremely neat and where they run underneath the laid crop in the outer section, those stems are notably raised, again having been laid very gently in the intiial process of formation.
Having said all of the, it's really all about the basket weave which forms the laid circle within which everything else sits. This is an exquisite example of basket weave; one of the lightest and most flowing I've ever seen. The laid sections are in 'rectangular' swathes but these display more of a clockwise swirl than being clearly defined. There are 73 in total around the inside of the basket weave perimeter.
A brilliant example of how the detail of the interior can perfectly reflect the impact of the overall design. An absolute gift for any visitors and thank you to The Gourmet Goat Farmer for allowing visitors to enter.

Crop Circle Summary


Green Street, Avebury, Wiltshire

Crop Type



Large laid circle with standing hexagon and spiralling laid pathways emanating from hexagonal centre.

Date of First Sighting


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