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Ground Report – Broad Hinton (1), 18/09/08

As with most of the formations appearing in maize, when they are not visible from the road they take a bit of finding, although in a totally different way from the sometimes well hidden crop circles in wheat and barley.

There is not a huge amount to say about this small pentagram, apart from the apparent difficulty I would imagine having to create something with a fair degree of accuracy in such a tall crop. Even having studied the aerial photos of this, when standing inside it really is difficult to tell exactly where in the pattern you are.


Similar to the formation a few fields away there is a certain amount of damage to laid stems, although we do have to take into account that there had been more visitors to this one at the time of our visit. Most are well trampled to the ground.


As I have discussed before, in this context bigger is not always better and this small offering certainly confirmed that theory!


Crop Circle Summary


Broad Hinton (1), Wiltshire

Crop Type



Laid pentagram.

Date of First Sighting


Survey Date


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