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Bluebell Hill Formation of June 19th

Quite a number of formations have appeared in the Medway Valley over the years. Our ancient stones seem to attract them as well as the old tracks and energy lines that criss-cross the whole area.

Designwise & floorwise, this particular circle has a real Kentish feel about it. Apparently it appeared on June 19th in broad daylight, within a time-window of less than one hour.

The lay was quite interesting ... sometimes it appeared quite orderly

...whilst in other sections it led us into multi-layered chaos!

In some areas, many single or small bunches of stalks, were left standing absolutely unaffected by whatever had laid down their neighbours.

This rather surprising occurrence certainly wasn't an example of plants trying to recover. Most of the laid plants were bent at approximately one and a half inches from their base. There was no evidence of creasing or broken stems and there were no signs of scraping.

The thin circular arcs were approximately 10" wide with the crop laid gently over throughout.

A large flint, embedded in the soil, was discovered at the centre of the formation with the laid crop sweeping neatly around it in a clockwise direction. Incidentally the crop was laid in a clockwise direction throughout, mimicking the overall design. We also noticed at the centre, that the walls of the standing crop were bunched or bundled together in some places.

Graham Tucker © text and all images 2005

Crop Circle Summary


Bluebell Hill, Maidstone , Kent

Crop Type



Three armed spinner

Date of First Sighting


Survey Date


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